First Communion & First Reconciliation



Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

It is our pleasure to invite you to prepare for the celebration of your son or daughter’s First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Communion at St. Benedict Parish.  Please read all of the information on this page. Children should receive their First Reconciliation before receiving their First Communion.

Please note: Only Baptized Catholics may receive the Sacrament of First Communion.

The following dates have been allocated to your schools.

First Reconciliation (@church)

School(s) Name(s)DateTime
St. BenedictTuesday February 11, 20256:30 pm
Guardian Angels/St. Veronica/ St. Josephine BakhitaTuesday February 11, 20257:30 pm
Lumen Christi/ Our Lady of FatimaWednesday February 12, 20256:30 pm
St. ScholasticaWednesday February 12, 20257:30 pm

First Communion Retreats (@church)

School NameDateTime
Guardian Angels & St. VeronicaTuesday May 6, 202510:00 am
St. BenedictThursday May 8, 202510:00 am
St. ScholasticaTuesday May 20, 202510:00 am
Lumen Christi/Our Lady of Fatima & St. Josephine BakhitaThursday May 22, 202510:00 am

First Holy Communion Masses (@church)

School NameDateTime
Guardian Angels & St. VeronicaSaturday May 10, 202510:00 am
St. BenedictSaturday May 10, 20251:00 pm
St. ScholasticaSaturday May 24, 202510:00 am
Lumen Christi/Our Lady of Fatima & St. Josephine BakhitaSaturday May 24, 20251:00 pm

Children shall be registered to attend the mass assigned to their school date. 

As was said at the parent meetings, exceptions to this will be allowed in cases of illness, death of a loved one, or any other sacrament i.e., marriage, ordination. 

Any other reason will have to be reviewed by the parish office


Registration is online through the St. Benedict Parish website only.

There is a $40 administrative fee.

Complete the registration in its entirety and submit it along with an electronic copy of your child’s VALID Baptismal Certificate uploaded into the online registration form in PDF electronic format only. Only students with completed registrations with the supporting documentation receive their First Communion.

Upon submission of your online registration, please SAVE A COPY, screenshot and/or PRINT your confirmation email and have it available on the day of your child’s communion at the church.

If you were unable to contribute the $40 cost of registration at the time of online registration, feel free to use this link to contribute, HERE.


 First Holy Communion Retreat & Practice

First Holy Communion retreats are organized by the school and take place at the parish.  Retreats serve to provide sacramental preparation, reflection and spiritual support to all participants.  After the retreat, communicants will participate in their sacramental practice in the church proper led by the St. Benedict Pastoral team in partnership with the school staff.

Coordination and dates of retreats will be communicated through your child’s school.

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance and registration at the school for the retreat are not the same as registration for the sacrament.  All communicants must register online through the parish ONLINE FORM in order to receive the sacrament.



We hope that your child’s First Holy Communion will be one of the many steps in their journey of faith throughout their life.

As your children depend upon you to provide them with food for their bodies, we depend upon God to feed our bodies and souls. He does this through the Holy Eucharist. If you neglect to prepare meals for your children, they will grow hungry. If you fail to bring them to Sunday Mass, they will miss being fed with Jesus’ body and blood.

It is vitally important that your family attend Holy Mass every Sunday. We look forward to seeing you often!

Sunday Mass Times:

Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am, 10:30 and 12:00 pm

Only properly disposed Catholics may receive Holy Communion at a Catholic mass. Guests who are not Catholics are welcome to request a blessing from the minister by crossing their hands over their heart as they come up at Communion time.

Candidates must be baptized in the Roman Catholic Faith

When sending your proof of baptism, please submit an electronic copy as an attachment to your online registration. (Do not send the original to the parish).

Appropriate Dress for First Holy Communion

Clothing for Girls: Girls should be dressed in their Sunday best, white is optional. We discourage the use of veils and flowers as they tend to become a distraction for the children. Girls are not to wear gloves.

Clothing for Boys:  Boys should be dressed in their Sunday best, white is optional. We suggest dress pants, a collared shirt or sweater, a jacket and tie are optional.


  • Upon arrival on the First Reconciliation Day, the child with the family may be seated anywhere.
  • Families closest to the front of the church will proceed to confession first.
  • At the time of your child’s confession, parent(s)/guardian(s) will bring their child to the priest then, parents will wait for their child at the pew until the confession is completed.
  • After confession, children will do their penance with the family and then they are free to go.
  • If you are unable to attend the school reconciliation dates, please feel free to attend any reconciliation at St. Benedict Parish BEFORE your First Communion date.
  • Regular St. Benedict reconciliation times are:  Saturdays 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm



  • On the day of your child’s Communion, please arrive at least 30 minutes early.
  • Enter through the two main church doors and proceed to the registration table.
  • You will be met by a parish volunteer who will check in your child and then bring your child to the parish hall for assembly.  Parish and school staff will receive your child in the Parish Hall.
  • After dropping off your child, please proceed to the church to join your guests/family and be seated.  Parents will not be permitted to stay in the Parish Hall once their child is dropped off.
  • All First Communicants will enter the church from the parish hall in two lines and will be seated together occupying the two middle sections of the church starting at the front. All guests and families can sit anywhere in the church except those pews with “RESERVED” signs or pew bows on them.
  • During the mass, all First Communicants shall receive their communion from the priest first.  Then immediately following, the congregation will receive communion.

Only properly disposed Catholics may receive Holy Communion at a Catholic mass. Guests who are not Catholics are welcome to request a blessing from the minister by crossing their hands over their heart as they come up at Communion time.

Guest/Family Seating

There is no reserved guest seating.  All guest seating is on a first come first serve basis so, come early for your choice of seating.  At this time, please limit the number of family/guest invitees to a maximum of ten (10) guests.

Mass Etiquette

Please respect the prayerful nature of the Mass.  Do not bring food or drink into the church.  Turn off or silence cell phones and electronic devices before celebration and do not engage in chatter or chewing gum.

Picture Taking

To show respect for the Mass, no pictures or videos are permitted during the Mass.  Guests, families and visitors ARE NOT allowed in the sanctuary area.  Please remind any guests to ensure proper etiquette.  Photos are permitted after Mass is over.