As what Saint Pope John Paul II said to the Altar Servers in 2001:
“The Altar server occupies a privileged place in the liturgical celebration. The Altar server(s) present (themselves) to a community and experiences firsthand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgical act. Jesus is present when the community comes together to pray and render praise to God.
Altar servers usually arrive 15mins prior to the start of the mass. Their role is to assist the Celebrant (the Bishop or the Priest) and the whole community in the celebration of the Mass. They can be the Cross bearer or the candle bearers. The Cross bearer holds the Roman Missal for the Priest so that the Priest can read it, holds the cross during procession of gifts, and rings the bell during Eucharistic prayer. The candle bearers hold the candles when the Gospel is read and assist the Priest with the water and wine, ciboria, bowl/water to wash the Priest’s hands. They return all vessels to the credence table and clear the altar after Communion.
If your child is in GR3 (who has received the Sacrament of First Communion) and above and is interested to join, please fill-out a volunteer form and a Photograph/Video consent form for minors and return them to the parish office. Altar server training is being conducted periodically.

The Baptismal ministry at St. Benedict Parish allows you to be part of a child’s first step in their journey to becoming a Christian.
This ministry lets you to be involved both in the Baptism Preparation meeting and assist the Priest/Deacon during the ceremony.
Baptisms at St. Benedict Parish are being held every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30pm. The Baptism preparation meeting is on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7pm.
Each volunteer will be given a schedule and will be grouped in Teams. New volunteers will have an opportunity to observe meeting(s), ceremony(ies) and learn what is required before joining a Team.
If this ministry is for you, please complete a volunteer form and submit it to the parish office.

Junior Leaders – 14 to 17 years of age. Adult Leaders – 18 years old and above.
Our Children’s Liturgy program leads young children of our parish through a child friendly version of the readings and gospel at our weekend masses. The children gather in the Nursia room, sing a few songs ( if needed) and then continue through a simplified and friendly version of the Mass and the gospel. The program runs for about half an hour . The leader’s job is to lead and ensure the children have a friendly and enjoyable time at Mass.
If you would like to join this fun and amazing ministry, please contact our pastoral assistant at 289-878-3118 or email : PastoralAssistant

Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers) assist the Priest in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Some ministers also take Communion to the sick and elderly. New ministers are invited to participate in a workshop. Please contact the parish office if you would like to join this ministry.

Ministers of the Word (LECTORS) are individuals who want to proclaim the word of God at mass. New ministers are required to complete a program of formation . Please contact the parish office if you would like to be a part of this ministry.

Hospitality is an important ministry for St. Benedict Parish.
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers) usually arrive 15 to 20mins before mass. They provide a warm welcome and greet parishioners and visitors as they enter our church and the pleasant goodbye as they hand out bulletins at the end of Mass. Ready to lend and offer a hand, help to seat parishioners, take up the collection, organize the offertory procession, coordinate the flow of the congregation, provide guidance and assistance as needed during mass and special events.
If you feel you would enjoy this ministry and would like to share your time, please contact the parish office.

Music is an important element of the Mass celebration at St. Benedict Parish.
Our Parish choirs lead the singing at each weekend mass, masses during Christmas & Lenten seasons and other parish events.
Choir practices varies in each group.
We welcome both experienced musicians and enthusiastic beginners. If you would like to share your time and talent, please contact the parish office.