“What shall I return to the LORD for all His Bounty to me?”
Psalm 116:12
What is Pre-Authorized giving?
To accomplish the mission entrusted to us by Christ, St. Benedict Parish depends entirely on the generosity of our parishioners. Pre-authorized giving allows you to give to your parish intentionally and faithfully through scheduled monthly transfers from your bank account. Once a month, your account will be debited an amount you specify. These funds are deposited directly into your parish account.
How do I enroll?
First, reflect on all that God has given you, and prayerfully decide how much of this you will return to God through your offering to your parish. Then fill out the FORM and attach a void cheque. Place the completed form in a sealed envelope into the offertory collection, mail the completed form to the parish, or drop it off in person. Parish pre-authorized giving programs are supported and encouraged by the Diocese of Hamilton through the Office of Stewardship and Development. For more information, please visit www.hamiltondiocese.com
Why should I participate?
There are various benefits of participating in pre-authorized giving, both for you and for St. Benedict Parish.
Advantages for you:
- The convenience of having your offering automatically contributed to the parish
- Knowing you continue to support the parish even when you are away
Advantages for St. Benedict:
- Regular, dependable contributions
- Reduction of paperwork
- The ability to more effectively plan parish programs and activities
How can I cancel payments?
You may stop your pre-authorized giving by simply writing a letter with 30 days notice to St. Benedict Parish. If you would prefer to use a standardized cancellation form instead of writing a letter or for your information on your right to cancel your pre-authorized giving agreement, please contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca
You have certain resource rights if ever any debit to your account does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this pre-authorized giving agreement. To obtain more information on your recourse rights, contact your financial institution or visit www.cdnpay.ca
Calculating your monthly pre-authorized giving
To help determine the amount of one’s monthly contribution, multiply your weekly offering by the 52 weeks in a year then divide this annual contribution by 12. Examples are provided below for your reference:
$10/week ($520/year) | $43 per month |
$20/week ($1040/year) | $86 per month |
$40/week ($2080/year) | $173 per month |
$50/week ($2600/year) | $216 per month |
$100/week ($5200/year) | $433 per month |
Note that these are provided only for example. Our hope is that parishioners will contribute an offering that is meaningful, sacrificial, and that honours the abundance with which the Lord has blessed us.
How will pre-authorized giving replace my current giving?
While your offering will be transferred electronically, the parish will continue to provide you with envelopes . These can be placed into the collection as a sign of your pre-authorized gift. Please note that special collections (i.e. Share Lent, Seminary education, etc) still require envelopes and are not processed through pre-authorized giving.
St. Benedict Parish
300 Yates Drive, Milton ON, L9T 2W3