SSVP Poor Box Collection | |
January 25/26 | July 26/27 |
February 22/23 | August 23/24 |
March 29/30 | September 27/28 |
April 26/27 | October 25/26 |
May 24/25 | November 29/30 |
June 28/29 | December 27/28 |
January 17, 2025
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank all who contributed to the Angel Tree this Christmas. Seventy-two (72) families received a total of $14,000 in gift cards and personal items. Through the combined support of you, our parishioners, all the Catholic schools in our parish and Halton SSVP, our neighbours in need shared the joy and love of Christmas. If you would like to learn more about the SSVP ministry, please contact us at ssvp.stbenedictconference@gmail.com or by calling our phone line at 905-875-7995. We are actively recruiting for new members.
On the weekend of January 25/26, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be at the doors to accept your donations. Your generosity is most appreciated, and we thank you on behalf of society and the needy of our community.
St. Benedict Conference
Who Is My Neighbor?
“And who is my neighbor?” This quote prompted the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 29-37) which was a story of special personal significance to Frederic Ozanam, founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This parable asks us to stop and think about our brothers and sisters in need. We are asked to look to our brothers and sisters in the world and to see the face of Jesus in them. Our neighbor is the one in need, the one who looks to us with hope and faith, the one who hopes for Christ. Do I see Christ in the face of my neighbor– and does my neighbor see the face of Christ in me? Do you feel the calling to help those who are less fortunate? Do you ever ask yourself “I wish I could help?”. Well, you can! No matter of your age or your skill if you have a few hours a month to spare join the Society of St. Vincent De Paul at our parish. If you are interested in making a difference and would like to find out more of what we do, please call us at 905-875-7995 or email us at ssvp.stbenedictsconference@gmail.com .