Church is re-opening – June 11, 2021

Beginning Friday, June 11, 2021, churches are permitted to re-open at 15% capacity. St. Benedict Parish will be resuming in-church masses starting this Friday for the Daily Mass at 9:00 a.m. Weekend masses are Saturday at 5:00 p.m.; Sunday at 9:00 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. Please remember to register for weekend masses and that only those with valid confirmations will be allowed in church. Spaces can be reserved by following this link :

If you are unable to reserve a spot, the Most Reverend Crosby, OMI, the Bishop of the Hamilton Diocese has dispensed Catholics from the obligation of attending Mass for the duration of the pandemic should circumstances arise that prevent individuals from attending Mass.

For those that cannot make it to church, masses are available online.

God Bless
Fr. Jim Petrie